What are your candles made of?
A para-soy blend wax (70% paraffin, 30% soy), with phthalate free (non-endocrine disrupting) fragrance oils and 100% cotton (lead free) wicks.
Why do the prices of your candles vary?
Prices vary due to the amount of luxury oils used in certain candles.
What size are your candles?
8 oz jars, filled with approximately 7 oz of wax
How long do BTCC 8 oz jar candles burn?
Approximately 45 hours, depending on fragrance oil, room temp, and other factors.
How does shipping work?
The first candle is the priciest- meaning, to ship you a single candle costs me heftily, but beyond one candle the prices only go up very slightly/ incrementally. It’s wisest for you if you are able to order as many as you can at one time.
Where can I learn more about BTCC?
I’m very active on Instagram @betterthingscandlecompany. That’s where the BTCC community is really thriving and growing day by day- would love to “see” you there!
Why should I buy BTCC instead of big box candle stores?
Click on over to the “Why You Love BTCC” tab. I’ll let my amazing customers tell you why. <3